Maui And The Deep Sea Quest
Thousands of years ago when Maori had to hunt for their food by fishing and killing with hooks, hinaki and spears, weaving to make baskets for the food.During that time there when fearsome, strong and powerful warriors, Maui was one of them but he was the most strong the most, the most fearsome and the most powerful of them all. Where was he now ? Maui was on a cliff looking over the horizon thinking “how could I thank tangaroa god of the sea for looking after me as a baby ?”..... “I know I’ll go thank him myself” he baricaids into the sea. But Maui was in for an unsuspected quest.
Maui swam and swam until he could hardly see anything it's like pitch black sot. Then THUMP!!! “ouch!” Maui bumped into something slippery and hard. “Oops” says Maui as he can just make out the outline of a colossal Tuna!! ( eel ). Maui was not expecting a giant Tuna, he’d only brought his fish hook. “Haw, haw, haw” below’s the giant and terrifying Tuna, he is already feeling victorious. How was Maui going to save his skin this time?
Maui swim’s for his life and finds a broken waka, he hides in it but is not safe for long. Speedely he cooks up a plan. Stealthily he climbed to the top of a cliff just above the Tuna……..
3, 2, 1 Jump!!! Maui jump onto the Tuna’s back “screeeeeeeaaaaaaacchhh!!!!!!!!” The Tuna swam around like an out of control submarine. Maui hook’s his fish hook around eel’s gill’s but he falls of “whoop’s” Maui exclaimed. But as he fell of the weight ripped off the Tuna’s gill’s. With a shocked look on its face the Tuna fell to the ocean floor dead. So finally Maui finished his quest and thanked Tangaroa he also told Tangaroa about the eel. Maui finds out that the Tuna was a threat to lots of tribes and for killing it he was rewarded with the power to breath under water. Once again Maui is a hero among tribes.